How we work (click to read)

Welcome letter from our Chairman (click to read)



In April 2015, six local people met with representatives of the Third Age Trust to discuss the possibility of starting up a U3A for our district.

Two TAT volunteers, who had already supported new U3As across the East Midlands, offered their expertise, and a grant fund of £250 was secured to get us going. For the next 6 months, these six people researched premises, designed and distributed publicity and met regularly to plan each stage of the development.

In October 2015, the doors were opened at the Malthouse Suite in Syston, where we hoped that up to 50 people would join us for our "shall we do it" consultation with the local community. Instead of the 50 people we had catered (and hoped for) we had 140 turn up and everyone got a cuppa! How did we manage that?

A Steering Committee was formed from 18 volunteers who came forward with their skills we needed to get started, and we now attract members from not only Syston but surrounding areas such as Thurmaston, Birstall, Rearsby, Queniborough and many others,

Syston and District U3A rapidly attracted over 400 Members whose varied interests led to the formation of over 35 active interest Groups.

Anyone interested in receiving more information about the Syston U3a should contact our membership secretaryat sadu3amembers@gmail.com 




Clive Iliffe


Email: sadu3achair@gmail.com


I’m Clive, my main role is to Chair Executive Committee meetings, ensure that Committee Members can contribute to discussions, manage on-going projects, and make sure that business gets done in an orderly manner and we make decisions that help meet the needs and interests of our Members

Vice-Chair - Vacant


 As Vice Chair I support the Chair, act as understudy when he’s not around, offer ideas, suggest discussion topics for the Committee, and support and encourage colleagues to develop new initiatives to move the u3a forward.  

Geoff Willmott


Email: sadu3atreasurer@gmail.com

 I’m Geoff, my main role involves ensuring that our finances are well managed, carry out the financial decisions made by the Committee, inform and advise the Committee on financial matters, and draw up end of year accounts.

Christine Gale

Membership Secretary

Email: sadu3amembers@gmail.com

 I’m Chris, my role involves maintaining accurate and secure records of Members details, communicating effectively with Members, and informing new Members about how we work and how to get the most from their membership.

Secretary - Cynthia Baker

Email: sadu3asecretary@gmail.com

As Secretary I organise the issues and items of interest for the attention of the Executive Committee to discuss, liaise with the Chair on agenda matters, and provide information and support so the Committee is able to reach effective decisions.

Jill Kempton-Hayes

Publicity Lead

Email: sadu3apublicity@gmail.com

I’m Jill, my main role is to think of ways to promote and advertise the u3a as a local organisation and our individual groups when it’s needed. I encourage colleagues to get involved with PR and maintain contact with local news outlets.


Barbara Sargeant

Group Co-ordinator

Email: sadu3agroups@gmail.com

I’m Barbara your Groups’ Coordinator . My role , along with Gill is to give guidance and support to our members whilst encouraging them to set up new Interest Groups. 
Our help and enthusiasm is available to all
  Angie Baker

Assistant Group Co-ordinator

Email: sadu3agroupsasst@gmail.com

 I work with Barbara in a support role, to provide help, advice, ideas and information to our Group Organisers to help run their groups, set up new ones, and throw ideas around the keep the u3a “fresh and alive”.

Steve Kenney

Webmaster / Speaker Finder

Web Email: 

Speaker Email: 

I’m Steve, I have two roles, (how did that happen…?) As Webmaster my role is to keep our website up to date, fresh and alive, add content, and advise colleagues about how best to make the most from the website. And as Speaker Finder I find and liaise with external Speakers who provide us with interesting and varied talks at our monthly meetings.

Julie Johnson


Email: sadu3aed@gmail.com

 I’m Julie, I’m a Committee Member too and bring my wide experience to add to the Committee. My other role is as Editor of our newsletter “Vitality” published on our website. We include news, views, and articles from Members as well as information about topics of interest outside the u3a.