How to join the Syston & District U3a

The Membership Year runs from 1st October to 30th September and the fees of £15 per year enables you to join in as many group activities as you like. If you join after April 1st, then the fees are reduced to £10 (until August 1st, when they resort back to £15.)

Some groups may charge to attend a meeting to cover room hire and/or materials.


If you would like to become a member, please complete the New Member Application Form (below).


Once your membership has been approved, you will be sent an email from our Membership Secretary welcoming you, together with your Membership Number. Payment should then be made (see below on methods)




PLEASE CHECK YOUR 'JUNK' MAIL, sometimes emails can end up in there and get missed.


As well as the chance to meet new people and have fun, you will receive a copy of Vitality, the monthly Newsletter, and each month you can attend the general meeting which includes an invited speaker.


Each quarter you will also receive a copy of "Third Age Matters" magazine (TAM) - unless you opt out, see below.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of membership please contact Christine Gale, our Membership Secretary.


If you would prefer to fill out a paper-based join form and hand it in to one of our Committee Members, then please download the form here:

Membership Join Form

Our Data Protection and Privacy Policy can be found on the Publications Page.

Syston & District U3A: Registered Charity No. 1180152



(Please Select)
Home Phone:
Mobile Phone:
Emergency Contact Name:
Emergency Contact Number:
Emergency Contact Relationship:


Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:

How did you hear about us?

(Website, word of mouth etc):


Paperless Communications:

Third Age Trust Magazines

If you would like to receive a copy of the Third Age Matters and Sources magazines please select yes and your contact details will be forwarded to a 3rd party for the purpose of distribution.



MEMBERSHIP FEES (Please wait for your Membership Number to be issued before paying)

The Membership year for Syston and District U3A runs from 1st October to 30 September.

The fee for a full year membership is £15, for 6 months only £10.  This fee includes an element payable to our National Organisation, the Third Age Trust, which provides a wide range of benefits, including liability insurance cover, and quarterly publications.

Membership fees may be paid by Bank Transfer, quoting:  Syston and District U3A   (This is a Business Banking Account)

Sort  Code: 40 30 24    Account No: 23911454,   quoting your membership number AND name as reference.  

or Cheque: payable to “Syston and District U3A”  and should be posted to: Syston and District U3a, 28 Lilac Way, East Goscote, LE7 4XU.

**We cannot accept cash.**

Privacy Statement

Syston and District U3A requires you to provide your personal information so that you can be kept informed about events and activities that are offered as part of your membership. In collecting the information Syston and District U3A will: -

  • Store it securely
  • Use it to communicate with you as a Syston & District U3A member
  • Share it with group organisers for those groups you are a member of
  • Send you general information about the Third Age Trust*

* The Third Age Trust are the National Office that all U3A's are affiliated to.

Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Membership

All members must: -

  • Abide by the principles of the U3A movement
  • Always act in the best interest of the U3A and never do anything to bring the U3A into disrepute
  • Abide by the terms and conditions of the constitution
  • Treat fellow members with respect and courtesy at all times
  • Comply with and support the decisions of the elected committee
  • Advise the committee of any change n your personal details

Membership Details